Knowledge Base Caching?
# 🤝help
Hey all - I noticed I had put in a website that pulled in a lot of information on a topic. When I removed that website from the knowledge base... it seemed to retain the information - the AI Text card is pulling answers and explanations that I would only expect from a knowledge base containing the website. Is it possible that the bot is caching the data and still referencing either the cache or previous conversation data to pull those references? Or is it somehow reaching outside of the knowledge base even though I have web search turned off? If it is caching the data or using previous conversations (still haven't found out how to clear past conversations), how to I clear it so I can properly test?
I did notice using Raw Input allows for the choice of Knowledge Base to use - this may have solved my issue.
you might also find it useful to use the references variable to see where answers from KB queries are coming from
this won't help on AI text cards, but as you say, capture cards are the choice method for performing knowledge base queries
thanks @bumpy-butcher-41910 ! been enjoying the tutorial videos as well. while i have you - whats the best way to clear bot conversation history?
glad to hear that!
are you talking about from the dashboard, or from the user-side (i.e. in the conversation window)?
The Chat page which showcases the standalone bot specifically
in your Dashboard, there's an option (toggled off by default) to allow the user to delete the conversation
toggle that on, save, republish the bot, and it should appear
found it! thank you!