Help to create a bot with GPT-4, and integrate it ...
# 🤝help
I want to create an MVP for, which aims to revolutionise education with tailored learning, providing the right content at the right time, in a microlearning format. Could you send me the tutorial links again please? Thanks 🙂
Hey @cold-advantage-25906 ! Welcome to the community 🙌 . This link should help you deploy your bot on WhatsApp:

What other links were you looking for? 🙂
Thanks Sabrina. Just did it. But how can I put the URL link on a CTA button on my side? Haven't found how to create a production number on Meta dashboard. It is paid?
@acceptable-gold-88171 Might be better equipped to answer this question!
Hi @cold-advantage-25906 , could you send a screenshot of what you'd like to do? I'm not sure I understand which CTA button you are talking about.
Hey Patrick! I’ve lost those links you shared before because the thread was closed. I was trying to implement it yesterday on WhatsApp, and I was quite successful on link it and send an initial message, but now the challenge will be create the bot intelligence. Today I successfully deployed it on my discord server, but still remaining to let it running in a AWS lambda. Not sure yet how I will create the journey that I have for my users using LLM. Here is the invite for the server, case you guys want to join: