CSS mobile devices
# 🤝help
Please how can I change the font size on mobile devices only, my css file is conected ok, thanks
Hi @brief-secretary-69236 , Have you tried something like this?
Copy code
@media (max-device-width: 768px) {
  .bpw-chat-bubble-content * {
      font-size: 12px;
It doesn't work, and what if mobile pixel resolition will be higher then computer, botpress www on mobile looks great, how to do it?
Is that bot publicly available? If so can you send the link?
I mixed various tests, my bot is not ready, it can be proposed for production if it looks good on mobile, please write how the botpress made the mobile look
@brief-secretary-69236 One of my colleagues is developing a tool to style your chatbot and is looking for feedback. Could you have a look at it : https://styler.botpress.app/ and tell us what is missing for you? I tried it on mobile and it looks much better than your screenshot. 🙂
Looking forward to your feedback on the Botpress styler as well @brief-secretary-69236 😊 !
Thank you Patrick, webchat styler is great, but there is a problem on their site too, no problem on the botpress site, Robert said that "there's a styling bug on the mobile webchat at the moment - we're hard at work on a fix and will keep ⁠announcements updated when it's live. thanks for flagging!"
Yes, you are right; there's an issue with the mobile version. The team is working on a fix. Hopefully, this should be solved by the end of this day.
Had the same issue pointed out by a client. Default css is: .bpw-chat-bubble-content * { font-size: 48px; } just add a custom css and unset this property and u are good to go.
I believe a fix was just pushed, @brief-secretary-69236 is it now working on your end (might have to clear cache)
@acceptable-gold-88171 How can I use styler to make my chatbot not look tiny on mobile device?
Could you send us an image of the issues with a description of what you'd like to see (i.e. bigger font-size)?