Third party API + GPT knowledge
# 🤝help
Hi, I would like to know if we can call for a third party API - add it as a context to the AI task card, but also have GPT use its own knowledge to answer taking the API output as a context? For e.g. I use a travel API to get the bot to suggest some travel destinations, based on some inputs from the user, but then the bot uses gpt knowledge to answet questions about the outputted travel destinations, using its own knowledge base, which goes beyond the api data. I believe using knowledge agent would again require it to search from a specified knowledge base, right? Any idea how this can be achieved please? Thanks!
Hey @flat-nail-33989 have tou had a look at the ChatGPT + Plugins template? It would be a good place to start. You can get there from "Explore Templates"
Aah thanks! Is this more like using Open AI functions within botpress?
not really, no
it is the same idea, just implemented differently
got it, thanks @acceptable-kangaroo-64719 ! Hoping to experiment with this widely.