Oxford Style
# 🤝help
Hi! I put some literature in my bot (pdfs). The bot should answer (he gets the knowledge from the pdf) and give It back with Oxford Citation Style. So my question is: Q:How can I store the answer of the knowledge-agent in a variable? I want to store it so I can first Transform it and second to make a request where he found that passage (Citation) Thanks! 😊
There's not an easy way to get citations from the knowledge base. This could be a great post on #1111026806254993459 !
Alright!:) Will write that to the feature request. Thanks Gordy ❤️ Just a quick question: I applied for the professional partner program since I want to work as a freelancer in that field 🙂 How long does the process usually go for getting approved?
I'm not sure. Our head of partnerships just got back from holiday, so there's a backlog to work through.
Alright, thanks for the feedback!