Detect time in 24 hour format with system.time
# 👀feature-requests
In the botpress community, the slot system.time if I put the date: when 12:30 passes, it detects it as 00:30 and not 12:30 in the format 00:00 to 23:59. Can this be adjusted?
Hey @calm-park-34551! Is this botpress v12 or cloud ? - on cloud, you can use a Raw Input capture + AI Task to customize the parsing - on v12, you can do a after_incoming_hook and write your own logic to adjust, or create your own datetime parser with an API call there.
I am with botpress v12 Currently I have solved it by getting the user's message and breaking it down in an external API. But I would like information to directly change the time format.
Got it. I think that's the way to go as we're using Duckling for parsing date/times and it's not customizable
Although we also support MS Recognizer too for system entities, which you can try switchhing to. @rich-lamp-98721 not sure I remember how to switch to MS for entities?
ok, if possible in the future it would be interesting. Otherwise I will continue to control it with API.
Hey @calm-park-34551 I will do a quick search on passed solutions we used and get back to you on this subject
Thank you!
Everytime we used @microsoft/recognizers-text-suite we referred to this solution ->