I need to implement Dynamic dropdown for my flow.
# 🤝help
In our bot, we have compliant registration, which contains the categories which are come from api call, Based on the categories selection getting the respective sub-categories both we need to show case in the dropdown format, so please tell me how to use dynamic dropdown in my bot.
hey @ripe-pilot-83749 try building an array of your options like:
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workflow.ddOptions = [ 
  label: 'Option 1',
  value: `https://en.wikipedia.org`
  label: 'Option 2',
  value: 'https://google.com
Then you can pass that variable into the choice skill like this
I'm trying to achieve the same, can u explain post this how to divert the nodes?
thanks your response, can you please tell me where we integrate in my flow, please help me
You would put that code in after you receive your API call response. Take a look at the recipe bot template for an example. First we call the API:
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const url = 'https://api.spoonacular.com/recipes/complexSearch'
const params = {
  query: workflow.baseQuery,
  diet: workflow.dietType,
  apiKey: env.apiKey,
  number: '3',
  ignorePantry: 'false',
  sort: 'popularity',
  sortDirection: 'asc',
  addRecipeInformation: 'true',
  addRecipeNutrition: 'false'

try {
  const response = await axios.get(url, { params })
  if (response.status === 200) {
    workflow.recipeInfo = response.data.results
} catch (error) {
Then we take the results (stored in
) and re-format them in a way that is acceptable for carousels. You would just skip all the bits about images/titles/subtitles and just focus on an array of buttons.
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workflow.recipes = []
const myCards = workflow.recipeInfo.map((recipe) => {
    title: recipe.title,
    vegetarian: recipe.vegetarian,
    vegan: recipe.vegan,
    glutenFree: recipe.glutenFree,
    dairyFree: recipe.dairyFree,
    veryHealthy: recipe.veryHealthy,
    cheap: recipe.cheap,
    veryPopular: recipe.veryPopular,
    readyInMinutes: recipe.readyInMinutes,
    servings: recipe.servings,
    summary: recipe.summary
  // create the card object
  return {
    type: 'card',
    title: {
      dynamicValue: `${recipe.title}`,
      valueType: 'dynamic'
    subtitle: {
      dynamicValue: '',
      valueType: 'dynamic'
    imageUrl: {
      dynamicValue: `${recipe.image}`,
      valueType: 'dynamic'
    actions: [
        action: 'url',
        label: 'View Recipe',
        value: `${recipe.sourceUrl}`
workflow.cards = []
for (var card of myCards) {
    //in order to render a card, we only need these three fields
    title: card.title,
    imageUrl: card.imageUrl,
    actions: card.actions[0]
hi all, I am using on-premises bot, Is their any limitation for messages for both incoming and outgoing?