Where to find more about default botpress variable...
# 🤝help
Thanks for reading my question! I forgot where I got this snippet of code from but what im trying to do is to save the question and answer through a webhook. Currently the code only saves the question that the user asks but not the answer. The code is below "workflow.zapierSuccess = false; let currentDateTime = new Date(); const messageData = { date: currentDateTime, message: [{question: event.payload.text}] }; " I was wondering which variable the response is naturally saved under. I was also wondering where I might be able to find a list of the native variables so that I can refer to that.
Hi, not sure if this is answering your question, but maybe the json tab on the debugger panel is helpful?


Thanks for the reply! Forgive my not knowing but is this just javascript? If I get more familiar with this programming language will I know to use things like "event.payload.text". I am trying to find a way to save the KB response as a variable too. The variable name is QR I tried "workflow.QR = event.payload.text" But it doesnt work. I dont really know what the other options are either so I am not sure where I can learn more. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
If you click on the knowledge agent you can see the variables you can access. The response is the "answer" one. There are tutorials and a webinar on this as well I think. You are on the right track!


Hey @early-bird-43096, the Knowledgebase answer is stored in {{turn.KnowledgeAgent.answer}}. If you don't want the bot to answer automatically and just grab the answer to do some further processing, eanble the second option of the Knowledge Agent


Oh! That's really helpful! Thanks for the help! Sorry for the ignorance but where exactly might I search for these tutorials and webinars?
That's really cool. Ill definitely check out where I can implement that as well!
Click "Docs" on the bottom left of the Studio