Zapier - authentication failed
# 🤝help
When adding the webhook url in zapier i get an error. see image. free plan on both

Hi @thankful-cat-16199 could you let me know the exact steps you followed? Did you create a new PAT or used an existing one?
Hi Abe, I have created a new PAT for a template bot.
I have tried deleting the PAT and creating a new one. I also tried adding it in zapier my apps instead of setting it up in a zap
i basically follow the stepps of the tutorial, but when I paste the pat into the zapier popup i receive the response seen in the image
(I have also set the slider to the on position in the integrations for the bot)
thanks for your response @famous-zoo-73118
OK, thanks for the details. Let me do some tests on my end and will get back to you shortly.
great thanks
I just tested the whole Zapier setup process as documented in and was able to add the account using a newly created PAT and set up a Trigger in Zapier using the Webhook URL provided by the Zapier integration in the bot

Could you try starting over with a newly created PAT, making sure the PAT is copied and pasted correctly in the Zapier authentication window?
I did it two times more, but same result. Maybe there is an issue with my beta zapier integration access? stepps i took: created a new bot template published added zapier integration swiitched the slider on used the copy button to get PAT on zapier: i created a new zap added botpress (invite only) pasted the PAT confirmed same error
I also tried deleting the existing PAT and adding a new one as you suggested, same result
I am on chrome. I tried from a private tab aswel
Could you record a quick video of those steps from beginning to end so I can see the complete context, and send it to me privately by DM? (as the PAT will be displayed on the screen) You can use a tool such as for recording this more easily.
I will try to find the time to do it tomorrow, thanks
Hello @thankful-cat-16199 do you have suceed to install zapier ?
Ok me too I don't have the cards on my botpress studio so i can't lol..
@quiet-lawyer-35837 Yes, sorry, triggers weren't fully activated for all Studio users but this will be sorted out tomorrow.
Thank you @famous-zoo-73118 , I am waiting for this update. Have a nice day my friend !
I'm having the exact same issue, in the studio I dont have zapier cards and I can't authenticate Zapier