remembering conversation
# 🤝help
Can any of you direct me to a tutorial regarding how to make the bot remember previous conversation? I need the bot to remember conversation from my KB only. No AI, no chat gpt fallback. I need to be able to get zero temperature and get straight answers from my KB. Having issues with remembering previous questions specially prices. Thank you for any help,🙏
Are you talking about querying your KB and augmenting the answer from the KB with previous answers already retrieved?
For now I'll leave you with this - the variable conversation.SummaryAgent.transcript contains the last X number of messages from the conversation, where X is a configurable amount. You can feed this plus the current question into a KB query, or into an AI step along with other information (such as KB lookup results + transcript -> AI step) to generate a response that combines both answers.
I will also warn though, if you are using a large catalog of items this could end up being a very difficult project, or one that "almost" does what you want but never good enough to actually let customers use. You might also need to use tables and lookups. Depending on the complexity involved I would suggest looking into integration with custom GPTs.
Hi there Lola said a lot of useful things that you could take a look at. Have you selected GPT-4 in the Knowledge agent? Are you using a text based knowledge base to store the prices or are you using a table for it?
@fresh-fireman-491 @best-cricket-48770 thank you for your answer. I frankly don't have a clue how to select gpt_4 in the knowledge agent. I was asking for a tutorial because I really don't know how to improve my results.This was supposed to be a simple bot where user could query the kb as many times and have a fall back to contact customer service in case no answer was found in the kb. I currently have a table for prices and several Q&A s created for each product plus a catalog which I 'cleaned up' no pictures just text. I would like to know how I can implement all the changes you both suggested here. At this point I get a lot of errors on answers and prices are found only product name is mentioned. If user asks how much is "it"? Or how does "it "work? It goes into answer not found, in other words, no memory of previous conversation Thank you for taking the time to help🙏
To enable GPT 4 in the knowledge agent
Can you try with GPT-4 and let us know how it goes
@fresh-fireman-491 I don't have these options under the knowledge agent
Then you have to export your bot to a new workspace created after the new pricing update. This is because you are in a legacy workspace.
@fresh-fireman-491 I have been away for few months . Seems like a lot has changed. Do In have to move my bots? Sorry to be chewing your brain, I m little confused with all changes that happened since I left few months ago. I need to have my bot up and running Thanks
To export it to another workspace
Then everything should be fine
@fresh-fireman-491 will I lose my bot and kb by exporting to another workspace? Why is this important? Just curious...I put endless hours building this, don't want to lose it😊thanks
Exporting your bot is like creating a copy of it and then pasting that copy into a new workspace. You will still have your bot as it is right now you will just have a copy of it. Your new copied bot won't have the integrations that your old bot had so you will have to use a few minutes to set that up again but that should be the only thing that gets changed. Its important because all of the workspaces created after the new pricing will have access to GPT-4.
@fresh-fireman-491 thank you for explaining it. My issue still persists. I was looking for a bot to answer exclusively from my kb with precision ( meaning right answers for right products) when the user asks for the second question without using the product name ( for example, how does it work? Or how much is it? ) It takes the user to the customer service fallback although the answer is clearly available on the kb. I used event.preview and sumary agent transcript but was not successful solving the issue. Can you direct me to maybe a tutorial or give me an idea how to go around it? I thought about creating separate workflows for each category however my products can be used and sold together from different categories.Not if that would help Your opinion and help is greatly appreciated 🙏
@fresh-fireman-491 I tried to export my bot to a new workplace but can't find the Templates like in the picture you sent. It says default workspace
All of the workspaces are mine that I have named. You should create a new one and name it something like "New workspace" so that you know it's the one that you should be using.
There is something called Extract from History in the advanced settings on your capture information card. Try and play around with that. I have never used it and I only have my phone right now so I can't test it.
@fresh-fireman-491 thank you for all your support. I will try that and keep you informed 🙏😊❤️
No problem at all, just happy to help you and yes please keep me informed.
@fresh-fireman-491 yes I will Thanks a million 😊
Any time