Common workflows across bots
# 👀feature-requests
Hi, I build bots for clients that are mostly the same, with some minor variations across them. The way I currently do this is exporting my "base" bot, importing that into another one, deploying it. This of course means that whenever I do any changes in one flow, I have to manually edit all the rest. Is there a more scalable way to do this? Ideally I'd want to share workflows across my bots, and do the editing for the "common" workflows in one go. Thanks!
Nope. Bots are independent.
Hey @flaky-ability-96739 , Currently now, but soon we will release a converse API. That should help you do delegations between bots.
Except he is not talking about DELEGATIONS- he is talking about maintenance of imported bots.
Delegation of a workflow to another bot would work for me too
I hpoe you are aware of the complexity that creates in stats, analytics and most important accounting which bot pays for what 😉 Worst case you end up the user input counting multiple times.
Yeah this is a temporary measure. We'll soon shift to creating our bots programmatically instead of within the studio. Made a separate thread for that - #1158375790740766830