KANBAN search assistant chatbot
# 🤝help
Just for a personal project, I am trying to make a chatbot to help people search for items in the KANBAN storage system at work. This is a system which contains over 1000 items and is used regularly. I have made a table that contains all the names of the parts in the stores and their locations. I want to find a way for the chatbot the user to input what they are looking for, then the chatbot searches through the table to find the items that match that search, then find the closest matching item to the users search, then state the item and its location. Really struggling to find a way to search through the table to find items at the moment. Unless the search is the exact word for word item description then the chatbot won’t recognise anything in the table. Sorry if this isn’t enough detail. Please feel free to ask any questions. If I know the answers I’ll respond. Thanks I’m advance for any help.
Hey @polite-chef-98320 are you using a find record card or you are using an execute code card. I believe the execute code card can allow you to search your table anyhow
https://botpress.com/docs/cloud/studio/tables/ please check out that page you might get more clarity regarding tables 👆🏾
Find record card
the execute code card gives you more functionality than the find record card I believe You can also find sample code to use with tables in the documentation I linked about